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Elections the last step and final challenge for the croatian refugees and displaced persons from Podunavlje


An appeal from the bishops of Djakovo-Srijem in anticipation of the coming elections in the Republic of Croatia and the return of the refugees and displaced persons to their homes

Djakovo, February 17, 1997 (IKA) On February 17, Bishop Marin Srakić of
Djakovo-Srijem, retired Bishop Ćiril Kos and Auxiliary Bishop Đuro
Gasparovic sent an appeal to the priests and the faithful of the
Đakovo-Srijem Diocese in anticipation of the coming elections in the
Republic of Croatia and the return of refugees and displaced persons to
their homes. In this appeal, the bishops emphasized that “the results of
these elections will affect not only the lives of the inhabitants of our
Podunavlje [the Croatian Danube River Valley] but the destiny of our
entire homeland, Croatia.” These elections are “the last step and the
final challenge” for the persecuted population of Croatian Podunavlje.
“We, the bishops of Đakovo-Srijem, urge all of you to participate in
the elections, wherever you are and wherever you are living at the time of
the elections,” stated the appeal. The bishops declared the following:
“We are convinced that you will vote for those candidates and political
parties that guarantee equality for all; a peaceful economic, cultural,
religious and political existence in truth and freedom; and who have
already demonstrated this in some manner.” Regarding the election
campaigns, the bishops directed the appropriate agencies of the Republic
of Croatia and the Temporary Administration of UNTAES to “insure that
there will be equal use of material, media and other means.” On election
day, the bishops expect “the impoverished population to be provided with
means of transportation and other assistance in order to exercise their
civil rights during these decisive moments.” Re-emphasizing that the time
for the displaced persons and refugees to return home is approaching, the
bishops cautioned the people: “Elections and all your protests will be in
vain if you do not return to your homes.”
In their appeal, Bishops Srakić, Kos and Gasparović urged all
refugees and displaced persons to return to their homes: “We invite you
to return. In the spirit of reconciliation, forgiveness and love of your
home, continue living the honorable and righteous lives you have lived up
to now.”