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The 43rd Theological-Pastoral Week on Pluralism in the Church has Commenced

In reference to the topic of this year’s Theological-Pastoral Week, Archbishop Bozanic noted that pluralism represents the social and political reality of today, together with the fundamental concepts of neutrality and tolerance

Zagreb, January 21, 2003 (IKA) — Pluralism in the Church is the topic of the 43rd Theological-Pastoral Week that commenced this morning, January 21, at the Archdiocesan Seminary on Salata in Zagreb, at which Croatian archbishops, bishops, approximately 500 priests, religious, nuns, lay faithful and pastoral associates from Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and European countries, together with representatives of other Christian communities, government officials and municipal authorities were assembled.
Greeting the assembly participants, among whom were the archbishop of Sarajevo, Cardinal Vinko Puljic; the apostolic nuncio in Croatia, Archbishop Giulio Einaudi; the representative of the Bishops’ Conference of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bishop Franjo Komarica of Banja Luka; and the rector of the University of Zagreb, Dr. Helena Jasna Mencer; Archbishop Josip Bozanic of Zagreb said that in a specific sense the Theological-Pastoral Week was a national institution of the Catholic Church among the Croatian nation. It’s main goal was ongoing formation, but the archbishop also said that this gathering in the city of Zagreb had a special spirit of encounter and community. In reference to the topic of this year’s Theological-Pastoral Week, Archbishop Bozanic noted that pluralism represents the social and political reality of today, together with the fundamental concepts of neutrality and tolerance. In his address, the archbishop of Zagreb said that the Church embodies a certain pluralism and variety regarding the plurality of theological thought, the plurality of schools of spirituality and the services, charisms and orders within the Church. According to the archbishop, we encounter pluralism and plurality in the society and the Church. Pluralism can open areas for rich variety, said the archbishop, cautioning that it always has intrinsic advantages and limitations. Speaking about pluralism in the Church, the archbishop noted that it should be kept in mind that the Church has been given to us and its particular qualities should be understood and accepted in relation to the social realities. Pluralism in the Church, or better to say variety, must be promoted in dialogue, so that the Church community is always safeguarded and developed, noted the archbishop of Zagreb.
On behalf of the organizer, the Catholic College of Theology of the University of Zagreb, Dean Josip Baloban, opened the Pastoral-Theological Week and spoke on this year’s topic, pointing out that in a plural society the Catholic Church remains the guardian of the fundamental values of mankind and society. In words of greeting, Archbishop Einaudi said that the Church is a community of God’s people that does not close itself off but is open to the challenges of the times and social conditions in which we live, observing that today pluralism is imposed as an imperative. The participants were also greeted by Cardinal Puljic, Rector Mencer of the University of Zagreb, and the dean of the Catholic College of Theology in Split, Dr. Slavko Kovacic. The archbishop of Zagreb sent a telegram to the Holy Father from this assembly, expressing the hope of meeting with the Pope for the third time in Croatia during his forthcoming pastoral visit.