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Announcement of the Appointment of Msgr. Đuro Hranić as the Archbishop of Đakovo-Osijek

"I hope for growing apostolic zeal and pastoral-catechetical engagement among us all—priests, religious, all catechists, pastoral associates and the lay faithful in the parishes of our archdiocese and in religious organizations," said the new Archbishop after the announcement of his appointment in Đakovo.

Đakovo, (IKA/TU) – The Apostolic Nunciature in Croatia announced on April 18 that the Holy Father has accepted the resignation of Msgr. Marin Srakić from the office of the pastoral administrator of the Archdiocese of Đakovo-Osijek and has appointed Msgr. Đuro Hranić as the Metropolitan Archbishop of the same ecclesial province, who until now has been Auxiliary Bishop of the Đakovo-Osijek Archdiocese. At the Residence of the Archbishop in Đakovo, this announcement was delivered to the media by the Apostolic Nuncio in the Republic of Croatia, Msgr. Alessandro D’Errico.
Nuncio D’Errico said that as soon as Archbishop Marin Srakić turned 75 years of age, he offered his resignation from the pastoral administration of the Archdiocese and on various occasions requested that his successor be named quickly, in the belief that an archbishop must have the strength to deal with the challenges currently encountered by the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Đakovo-Osijek. The Nuncio said that Pope Francis had accepted Archbishop Srakić’s resignation. The Nuncio then addressed Archbishop Srakić, as follows: “Dear Excellency, allow me to say that this news saddens me somewhat, due to the great respect I have for you. In you, I have always found a wise pastor who is intelligent, capable, zealous and completely devoted to the good of the Archdiocese of Đakovo-Osijek and the Universal Church. On behalf of the Holy Father and the Holy See, I thank you for the good that you have abundantly spread during the 23 years of your episcopal ministry. We shall particularly remember you as a bishop of the Episcopal Synod, President of the Croatian Conference of Bishops, and the first Archbishop of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Đakovo-Osijek. We wish you a long life and good health. We shall accompany you with fervent prayers, full of confidence that the Lord of Life and History will continue to pour abundant blessings and graces upon you.”
Then the Nuncio announced that Msgr. Đuro Hranić is the new archbishop. “The Holy Father, Pope Francis, has chosen a man of the Church who is well acquainted with Slavonia, which is very dear to you,” said the Nuncio, congratulating the new archbishop and expressing his personal satisfaction with his appointment. “I have always heard many good things about you and, moreover, I always admired your human and pastoral gifts. You are a chosen son of this Metropolitan Archdiocese and already have good experience in episcopal ministry. During these months of my service in Croatia, I was able to appreciate the valuable contribution that you made as Auxiliary Bishop. All this helps us look with confidence at the task ahead of you, in the demanding office of Archbishop and Metropolitan,” said the Nuncio, promising to pray for the new archbishop.
Archbishop Srakić expressed joy and satisfaction at the appointment of his successor and thanked everyone with whom he had worked during his priestly and episcopal ministry. Addressing Archbishop Hranić, he said: “Your episcopal motto is ‘Put out into the Deep!’ Our Pannonian ‘Sea’ is full of shallows and hidden crags. Putting out into the deep, with the assistance of the Holy Spirit and the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, be assured that you will have the support of all the priests, religious and other members of God’s people, especially me, the archbishop emeritus. There are difficult tasks and great responsibilities before you but the Lord says to you, as he has said to all whom he has placed to lead his people: ‘Do not be afraid! I am with you,'” said Archbishop Emeritus Srakić, commending the new archbishop to the entire archdiocesan community.
“The Lord has once again told me: ‘Put out into the deep!’ I confess first of all my faith in the Triune God and trust in his Providence, which guides every human life, the Church and the whole world. At the same time, I humbly express my profound gratitude for the gift of my priestly vocation and for all the blessings I have received. With confidence, I place everything in His hands and wish to follow His lead,” said the newly appointed Archbishop Đuro Hranić to those assembled, also expressing gratitude to Pope Francis for his confidence and appointment, his associates who proposed or supported him, and particular gratitude to the first Archbishop and Metropolitan of Đakovo-Osijek, Msgr. Marin Srakić, who has followed him since he was 17 years of age as a rector, professor and bishop, and who ordained him as Auxiliary Bishop 12 years ago.
In addition to thanking Archbishop Srakić in his own name, Archbishop Hranić also thanked him on behalf of the entire Archdiocese of Đakovo-Osijek, saying that his service will be recorded in history in golden letters, and mentioned the Second Diocesan Synod of Đakovo-Srijem and everything that it had initiated in the pastoral-catechetical area, elevation of the diocese to the rank of archdiocese and metropolitan see, the new Slavonian Đakovo-Osijek Ecclesiastical Province, reestablishment of the independence and renewal of the Diocese of Srijem, the Catholic Faculty of Theology in Đakovo, the spiritual heritage of the Apostolic Visit by the Blessed Pope John Paul II to Osijek and Đakovo, the rebuilding and material renewal of the diocese that had suffered greatly during the Homeland War, elevating Osijek to the honor of one of the two sees of the of the Archdiocese and Metropolis, the Vicariate in Osijek, the Central Archdiocesan and Faculty Library etc.
Commending himself to the prayers of all the members of the archdiocese, Archbishop Hranić expressed hope in the generous openness of all the acts of the Holy Spirit, who renews baptismal, priestly and religious fervor, calls all to holiness and always bestows the blessings of numerous charisms and gifts, through the youthful enthusiasm of the young and coming generations of seminarians and religious candidates. He particularly commended himself to his fellow priests and religious, praying for ecclesial communion, cheerful fraternal cooperation and shared responsibility in the pastoral ministry and evangelical mission. “I hope for growing apostolic zeal and pastoral-catechetical engagement among us all—priests, religious, all catechists, pastoral associates and the lay faithful in the parishes of our archdiocese and in religious organizations,” said the new archbishop, who then addressed the professors of the Catholic Faculty of Theology and teachers in the seminary, emphasizing that he is counting on them as his closest associates, wise and expert advisors, and assistants.
In conclusion, the new archbishop expressed his gratitude to the bishops of the Đakovo-Osijek Metropolis and all the bishops of the Croatian Conference of Bishops, led by the President of the CCB, Msgr. Želimir Puljić. He asked Nuncio D’Errico to convey his expressions of gratitude, filial devotion and love to Pope Francis, requesting his apostolic blessing for himself and the entire Archdiocese and Metropolis of Đakovo-Srijem.

Msgr. Hranić was born on March 20, 1961, in Cerić, the parish of Nuštar, to Stjepan and Eva (née Marković) Hranić. Upon completing elementary school in Cerić, he attended secondary school for two years in Osijek, and then continued at the Josip Juraj Strossmayer Diocesan Secondary School in Đakovo, where he graduated in 1979. In 1986, he completed undergraduate studies in philosophy and theology in Đakovo and in 1993 completed a doctorate in dogmatic theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome.
He was ordained a priest of the Đakovo and Srijem Diocese on June 29, 1986. From 1986 to 1987, he was a parish vicar in Osijek. Upon returning from Rome, he served as a prefect at the theological seminary in Đakovo (1993–1996). In 1993, he was appointed as a professor of dogmatics at the School of Theology in Đakovo, today the Catholic Faculty of Theology, where he has continued to teach up to the present. In 1997, he was appointed as the deputy chairman of the Department of Theology in Đakovo. In 2000, he was named an assistant at the Department of Dogmatic Theology, Catholic School of Theology, University of Zagreb, for studies in the Đakovo Branch.
He has been a member of the Presbyteral Council since 1994. Since 2000, he has been a member of the College of Consultors of the Đakovo and Srijem Diocese and the Episcopal Commission for the Laity of the Croatian Conference of Bishops. From 1994 to 2001, he was the editor-in-chief of the diocesan newspaper, Vijesnik Đakovačke i Srijemske biskupije (Gazette of the Diocese of Đakovo and Srijem), and served as the Secretary General of the Second Diocesan Synod of Đakovo and Srijem (1998–2008).
He is the author of many theological articles published in the Vijesnik Đakovačke i Srijemske biskupije, the journals Diacovensia, Kateheza, Bogoslovska smotra and other publications. He often lectures at professional meetings, conferences and projects in Croatia and other countries, and on many occasions has been invited to lead spiritual retreats for lay persons, priests and religious.
On July 5, 2001, the Holy Father John Paul II appointed him Auxiliary Bishop of the Đakovo and Srijem Diocese and the Titular Bishop of Gaudiaba. He was ordained on September 22, 2001, in the Đakovo Cathedral and has held the office of General Vicar of the Diocese of Đakovo and Srijem, later the Archdiocese of Đakovo-Srijem, since October 1 of the same year.
In the Croatian Conference of Bishops, he was the President of the Council for the Clergy (2002–2007), a member of the Episcopal Commission for the Pontifical Croatian Institute of St. Jerome in Rome (2011–2012), and a member of the Episcopal Commission of for the Laity. He is currently President of the Council for Catechesis (since 2006), President of the Committee for Dialogue with the Serbian Orthodox Church (since 2007) and a member of the Episcopal Commission for Education and Pastoral Ministry to University Students (since 2012).
At the plenary session of the Council of the Bishops’ Conferences of Europe (CCEE) held in St. Gallen on September 27–30, 2012, he was appointed President of the Department of Catechesis in the Commission for Catechesis, Schools and Universities of the CCEE (since 2012).
He was a member of the editorial board of Gazette of the J. J. Strossmayer University in Osijek and Vice President of the Commission for the Promotion of Cooperation between the J. J. Strossmayer University in Osijek and the School of Theology in Đakovo. Archbishop Hranić speaks Italian and German, as well as some English.

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