Appeal from the Croatian Bishops
Zagreb, April 19, 2012
We, the Croatian bishops, attending the 44th Plenary Session of the Croatian Conference of Bishops in Zagreb, prompted by the announcement of the adoption of legislation regulating fundamental issues of life and the family, urge the authorities to approach these values of vital importance to the survival of the nation with democratic responsibility. We consider it necessary to respect the rights of all persons, especially children. Legislative proposals should be accessible to the general public, so that all citizens and institutions can engage in public debate, to which sufficient time must be devoted.
We urge the entire Croatian public to become responsibly involved in public debate and through its commitment contribute to the optimal protection and promotion of life and the family in our society. These are crucial issues that will significantly determine the future of the nation and the Croatian state.
We, the Croatian bishops, aware of the gravity of the moment and our pastoral mission and civic responsibilities, wish to contribute through this appeal and active participation in public debate to the seeking of optimal legislative solutions that will protect and promote life and the family.
The Bishops of the Croatian Conference of Bishops
In Zagreb, April 19, 2012