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Cardinal Bozanić: Easter is Also a Challenge in the Economic World

"While companies are making profits, there is no reason whatsoever to lay off employees. Banks in Croatia should be required to make a greater contribution to the Croatian economy, particularly to family-operated and small enterprises, although high interest rates do not promise this. State and local authorities are urged to conduct public life in such a manner that the weakest and most vulnerable are protected by laws and other measures," emphasized the cardinal in his Easter message.

Zagreb, (IKA) – Archbishop Josip Cardinal Bozanić of Zagreb in his Easter message to the faithful specifically addressed the current financial crisis, which, in his words, is indicative of a deeper crisis in the system of economic, political and cultural power. It affects individuals, families and the entire society. The cardinal urged all to re-examine how they work and live, pointing out that it is necessary to call attention objectively to the causes which brought this about, “with awareness that we as Christians are called to be the bearers of hope, not only through words but also through deeds.”

“In the context of the ideologization of the crisis and the generating of speech which systematically sows despondency, we believers are called upon, as the Church and individuals, to bear witness to the proximity of all who are in need. In this sense, each time is simultaneously demanding and difficult, but also joyful and easy,” emphasized the archbishop of Zagreb.
In his message, the cardinal stated that the crisis spoken about today, from the vantage point of the society which places the highest value on financial profit, has its source in the limited nature of such profit, in the lack of responsibility and sensitivity for the person and the entirety of human existence. He explained that the original meaning of the word “profit” refers to doing something for the benefit of someone or something (pro-facere), i.e. “advancement,” “increase,” “success” although not in the selfish sense. Profit reduced to merely the financial benefit of an individual or group and material gain becomes a negation of its meaning, with the intrinsic danger of degrading all relationships in human society, warned the cardinal, who stated that the greatest “profit” is contained in Christ’s cross, the greatest act for others, without any material benefit for himself whatsoever.

In his Easter message, the cardinal noted that there has been a loss of optimism, enthusiasm and anticipation of the new. “One has the impression that others have already decided everything and that nothing can be changed. This causes pessimism, withdrawal into self and pointless wallowing in self pity, commented the cardinal, pointing out that at Easter, in the fullness of the unexpected Joyful News, the news of life is offered with its surprises and values, including sacrifices. “For the disciples of the Resurrected Christ, Christian identity is the gift of life at the present time, and also a mission. We are called upon to act courageously and devotedly in the proclamation of the gospel and in the war against poverty and injustice, everywhere that life is endangered and devalued. The hope that is bestowed upon us through the Resurrection obliges us to revive the society, to introduce the light of the gospel into our time and place, in order for the world to become a hospitable home to each person,” stated the archbishop of Zagreb to the faithful.

In his message, the cardinal also pointed out that in our society there are many indications of aimlessness, of which he mentioned two. “It is difficult to understand that on some levels people are introducing completely unsuitable, superficial and irresponsible contents into children’s education, and then are surprised by the horrifying consequences of violence and abuse,” commented the cardinal and urged families to be responsible and not allow their children, their most precious treasure, to fall prey to those who care the least about their welfare.
Emphasizing that Easter is also a challenge in the economic world, the cardinal cautioned that economic and social upheavals are suffered most acutely by workers. “While companies are making profits, there is no reason whatsoever to lay off employees. Banks in Croatia should be required to make a greater contribution to the Croatian economy, particularly to family-operated and small enterprises, although high interest rates do not promise this. State and local authorities are urged to conduct public life in such a manner that the weakest and most vulnerable are protected by laws and other measures. Employers are particularly urged to respect the dignity of mothers when hiring. Not infrequently, women, mothers and future mothers are hired in such a way that they can be quickly fired without particular difficulty. Such indicators must not serve as excuses for passivity,” stated the cardinal.
The archbishop of Zagreb therefore urged priests, monks, nuns and communities of the faithful to be even more effective and zealous in their attempts to manifest solidarity. “Continue to seek out the poor and endangered in your midst, urge the young to engage in charitable work, to use their free time to help the old and infirm. The Church is always more present where there is more need,” stated the cardinal. He particularly urged all pastors to intensify the activities of parish branches of Caritas, emphasizing that every parish should have a branch, which will prompt the faithful to act generously and organize assistance for those in need. He noted that these parish branches of Caritas are particularly engaged in providing assistance to poor families within the parish territory.
The cardinal also urged all who are preparing during these weeks for celebrations of Christian initiation, i.e. Baptism, Confirmation and First Communion, to be mindful of the meaning of these celebrations. “Do not permit the extravagance of people who are not acquainted with the meaning of Christianity to overshadow the beauty of Christian humility. It is unacceptable for material gifts from god parents on occasions of Church celebrations to be given so much emphasis that the celebration itself loses its essence. Stress this strongly and dismiss every idea that the Church requires this,” stated the cardinal.
In his Easter message, the cardinal pointed out that his thoughts and prayers are mainly with those who are the most closely associated with Christ the Sufferer: with the sick and aged who bear the burden of infirmity and years with difficulty, with the sorrowing from whom death has taken their dearest ones on earth, with those whose faith in people has been shattered and whose hope has been undermined, and with those who do not see the purpose of suffering. He also expressed his sense of closeness to all those who, despite many uncertainties and questions, make sacrifices in child rearing and education. “May the words of Easter greetings reverberate in the competent institutions of the Croatian society and in the hearts of those most responsible for the establishment and safeguarding of fundamental rights, community and solidarity that recognize the reflection of Christ’s truth,” pointed out the cardinal. Particularly wishing a Happy Easter to the young, the cardinal had the following message for them: “I view your increasingly evident dedication to the Church and its initiatives with admiration. You, who seek sincerity, easily perceive where the truths of life are to be found. In your enthusiasm, do not forget that there is a place for your youth in the Church. Do not be afraid to strive and aspire to mature faith, and exert a positive influence upon those who still do not dare approach Jesus and see that his grave is empty.”