I Shall Attempt to Give the Church What God has Given to Me
Statement by the newly appointed auxiliary bishop of Zagreb, Msgr. Ivan Šaško
Statement by the newly appointed auxiliary bishop of Zagreb, Msgr. Ivan Šaško
Campaign contributions can be made by calling the telephone number 060 9010 (6.10 kn) or via the giro account of Croatian Caritas at PBZ 2340009-1100080340, Ref. No. 08 – Sunday Collection. All contributions collected on February 24 in all the churches throughout Croatia will be directed to projects of social assistance, education and incentive for small business in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
It is difficult to find a more pernicious combination in Croatian society than insufficiently relevant and implemented legislation which in some aspects fails to liberate itself from the mentality of the communist system, and which is evident in a judiciary that is not infrequently pressured by the images provided by the media, said Cardinal Bozanić during the homily.
Cardinal Bozanić answered journalists' questions on new proposed legislation regulating work on Sundays, the canonization of the Blessed Stepinac, the Ecological and Fisheries Protection Zone, and ecumenicism.
Since there is no statute of limitations on war crimes, it is unacceptable that the authorities are doing nothing regarding communist crimes. At the same time persons are being prosecuted for war crimes committed during the recent Homeland War, which arouses suspicions that crimes are being concealed, emphasized the Commission.
The Commission urges the authorized local and state institutions to undertake all the necessary steps to halt the destruction of the Croatian heritage
Archbishop Prenđa sent a letter to all the cities, municipalities, enterprises and institutions in the archdiocese, in which he appealed for contributions for this campaign.
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