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Vukovar graveyard: eucharist celebration after five years

Osijek (IKA )

First time after five years, on the occasion of All Saints Holiday, Eucharist was celebrated at the graveyard of still occupied Vukovar

Osijek, 2. 11. 1996. (IKA ) – First time after five years, on the occasion of All Saints Holiday, Eucharist was celebrated at the graveyard of still occupied Vukovar. About 2000 refugees visited the graves at about thirty places at the occupied Croatian East Slavonija. Vukovar parish priest father Branimir Kosec and Borovo parish priest father Ante Perkoviæ celebrated the Mass at Vukovar graveyard. At the same time Ðakovo and Srijem bishop Ćiril Kos celebrated the Mass in Memory of Croatian soldiers, civilians and wounded who had been taken away from Vukovar hospital and killed at Ovčara. About ten mothers were permitted to light the candles at the place were there children were killed. General Jacques Klein was present at the Mass in Memory at Ovčara.
Spokesman of Information service of UNTAES Douglas Coffman confirmed to the journalists that there were no incidents or problems during the yesterday visit to the graveyards at occupied Croatian Baranja and West Srijem.