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Funeral Rites for the First Ecclesiastical Assistant of the Croatian Catholic Medical Society, Bishop Valentin Pozaić

On Friday, May 19, 2023, faithful from the Archdiocese of Zagreb, as well as others parts of Croatia and the world, gathered at the Mirogoj Cemetery in Zagreb to bid farewell to Msgr. Dr. Valentin Pozaić, Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of the Archdiocese of Zagreb. Among those assembled were many members of the Croatian Catholic Medical Society (CCMS), in which Bishop Pozaić had served as the first ecclesiastical assistant from the founding of the CCMS in 1991 to 2018, when he resigned for health reasons.

Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus Valentin Pozaić Has Died

Having received the Holy Sacraments, Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus Valentin Pozaić of Zagreb passed away on May 15, 2023, in the St. Joseph Home for Retired Priests in Zagreb at the age of seventy-seven in the fiftieth year of his priesthood and the nineteenth year of his episcopate.

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