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First Interview with Archbishop Dražen Kutleša of Zagreb

On Thursday, April 27, 2023, the President of the Croatian Conference of Bishops gave his first interview as the Archbishop of Zagreb to the journalist Tanja Maleš of the Croatian Catholic Network (CCN/HKM). Below is a translation of their conversation.

Msgr. Kutleša Celebrates a Mass for Peace in Ukraine: “What we see on the social plan is a reflection of inner poverty”

At the initiative of the Council of the Bishops’ Conferences of Europe (CCEE) for a Mass to be celebrated in each diocese every day during Lent for the victims of the war in Ukraine and peace in that country, on Thursday, March 2, a Mass was celebrated at the headquarters of the Croatian Conference of Bishops in Zagreb, led by the Archbishop Coadjutor of Zagreb, Msgr. Dražen Kutleša.

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