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Announcement of the Conference: Laudato Si’ – Towards Climate and Social Justice

To commemorate the six-year-anniversary of Laudato Si’ and closing of the „CRO Laudato Si’“ Project, the Catholic University of Croatia, National Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order (SFO), Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of the Republic of Croatia, Centre for the Promoting of Social Doctrine of the Church and the Franciscan Institute for the Culture of Peace are organizing a two-day interdisciplinary international conference “Laudato Si- Towards Climate and Social Justice” at the Catholic University of Croatia between 4 and 5 June 2021. The Conference is sponsored by the City of Zagreb and the „Rhema Foundation“.

The Conference intends to assess the impact of Laudato Si’ in line with the integral ecological approach adopted by Pope Francis. The conference will provide an opportunity for representatives at the conference to reflect on progress made over the last six years, and identify what remains to be done in order to ensure the future of our common home.

This Conference is for scholars, teachers, and practitioners from any professional discipline who share an interest in—and concern for—care for our common home according to the Pope Francis’s vision of an Integral Ecology in his encyclical letter Laudato Si’. The Conference will bring together representatives from different universities in joint dialogue and action.

The theme of the Conference, Laudato Si’ – Towards Climate and Social Justice, has been carefully chosen to mark interest in—and concern for— care for our common home according to the Pope Francis’s vision. Also, with this Conference, the Catholic University of Croatia marks the sixth anniversary of the publication of the encyclical letter “Laudato si ‘- On caring for a common home”, “Laudato si’ week” and the end of the Special Year “Laudato si ‘”.

Assistant Professor Zoran Turza is the head of the Project „CRO Laudato Si’“ and Organizing Committee Chairperson, while Assistant Professor Andreja Sršen is the Scientific Committee Chairperson.

The Conference starts on Friday, 4 June 2021 at 9 p.m. via Zoom.

Friday, June 4

PASS: 500144
ID:  834 6774 3857

Saturday, June 5

PASS: 213192
ID:  834 7334 8940

Key-note speaker Professor Giuseppe Buffon, Professor of Modern and Contemporary Church History at the Pontifical Antonianum University, Rome, will give a lecture on „From Laudato si’ towards a Franciscan eco-spirituality. Textual limits and interpretative possibilities”.

This is followed by lectures divided into a total of ten panels, three of which will be attended by students.

Program – Laudato si’ – Towards Climate & Social Justice

An exhibition of photographs by Dražen Zetić entitled “Sister of Water” will be held as a part of the Conference. The exhibition is available on the YouTube link of the Croatian Catholic University.

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