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Ključna riječ: cardinal-josip-bozanic

Il saluto del cardinale Josip Bozanić ai segretari generali

Il saluto dell'arcivescovo di Zagreb e Vice presidente della Conferenza Episcopale Croata cardinale Josip Bozanić a nome della Conferenza Episcopale Croata, all'Incontro dei segretari generali delle conferenze episcopali d'Europa, 30 giugno 2022, Zagreb.

Interview with Cardinal Josip Bozanić: It is necessary to open the archives and revise the account of history created during the totalitarian regime in Croatia

The Archbishop of Zagreb, Cardinal Josip Bozanić, gave an extensive interview to the Croatian Catholic Network (HKM) during the last days of the ad limina visit by the Croatian bishops to Rome. He was interviewed by Slavko Antunović, a journalist and editor of the Catholic Press Agency—IKA—Zagreb, and spoke, among other things, about meeting with the Holy Father, Blessed Alojzije Stepinac and the need to open the historical archives in Croatia.