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Banja Luka bishop Franjo Komarica has joined the second day of Croatian Bishops Conference plenar Session

Zagreb (IKA )

Zagreb, 19. 6. 1996. (IKA) - Banja Luka bishop Franjo Komarica has joined the second day of Croatian Bishops Conference plenar Session as a guest, immediately after he arrived from the visit to Germany, USA and Canada. Bishop Komarica informed the Croati

Zagreb, 19. 6. 1996. (IKA) – Banja Luka bishop Franjo Komarica has joined the second day of Croatian Bishops Conference plenar Session as a guest, immediately after he arrived from the visit to Germany, USA and Canada. Bishop Komarica informed the Croatian bishops, by this occasion, about his meetings with the representatives of governments, humanitarian organizations and Bishops Conferences of those countries. The purpose of bishop Komarica#!s visit was to join the activities of the bishops Conferences of France, Germany, Canada and USA so they cold act together and coordinately to improve the position of Catholics in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and, also, to inform the humanitarian organizations and the organizations for protecting of human rights about oppressing of fundamental human rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
German politicians, specially Chancellor Helmut Kohl, convinced bishop Komarica that they will intercede for improvement of the conditions of life of all citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina who are without rights and for the return of all refugees and displaced persons. Talking with leading German politicians, bishop Komarica got an impression that Eruopean politicians are not united how to solve the problems of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bishop emphasizes that the interests of different European countries vary a lot and he also noticed that some European politicians have bad conscience because of lack of intercession concerning the solution of the war conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
During his visit to USA and Canada, bishop Komarica met several members of Bishops Conference of USA and Canada, representatives of the government and Croat emigrants. Bishop Komarica emphasizes specially that Churches of Canada and USA and the leading politicians are very badly informed about the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina and about the actual political situation. During his visit to USA, bishop got the idea to present the problems to USA Congress, so that the leadership of USA and its public could get more information about the actual situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bishop also emphasized that there are significant anti Croatia activities trying to break the unity of Croats emigrants. No matter of their origin, republican or regional, Croats emigrants are firm in their unity what is true because they had shown a great enthusiasm welcoming Banja Luka bishop Franjo Komarica.
Bishop Komarica is leaving for Banja Luka tomorrow. On Saturday, 22nd June, he will celebrate a Mass at Zagreb airport. (d06224hr/mf)