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Cardinal Franjo Kuharić poses pressing questions to the Croatian Parliament (Sabor)

Zagreb (IKA )

Heavy traces of communism have still not been eliminated, and ruthless capitalism endangers unprotected workers

Zagreb, August 20, 1997 (IKA) – “Judging by the Abortion Act, communism has still not retreated. Judging by the conditions under which workers live, ruthless capitalism has already descended upon us.” In the newest edition of the Catholic weekly newspaper Glas Koncila (August 24, 1997), a summary appears of remarks by Cardinal Franjo Kuharić delivered to approximately 30,000 pilgrims at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Bistrica on Assumption Day, August 15. The cardinal took this opportunity to direct pressing questions to the Parliament of the Republic of Croatia regarding the right to life, the right to work and the right to earn. Although seven years have passed since the fall of the communist regime, in Croatia a law is still in effect that permits abortion in almost every instance, just as it was enacted when the communists prevailed. At the same time, the privatization of formerly public enterprises has resulted in large profits for a small number of the newly rich while leaving numerous workers without regular incomes. Many have been ruthlessly fired, left without the basic prerequisites of life. On numerous occasions, primarily in direct meetings and letters that were not made known to the public, the Croatian bishops have warned those responsible in the Croatian Government that these questions must be urgently resolved. Had these direct warnings been taken seriously, the cardinal would not have decided to repeat them before crowds of pilgrims, thus presenting them to the broadest general public.