Istina je prava novost.

Press Conference at the End of the Sixty-Sixth Plenary Session of the Assembly of the Croatian Conference of Bishops

At the end of the Sixty-Sixth Regular Plenary Session of the Assembly of the Croatian Conference of Bishops, a press conference was held, at which topics and conclusions were presented by Archbishop Mate Uzinić of Rijeka, Auxiliary Bishop Mijo Gorski of Zagreb and the Head of the Center for the Promotion of the Social Doctrine of the church, Msgr. Stjepan Baloban.

Priopćenje sa 66. zasjedanja Sabora HBK

Tajništvo Hrvatske biskupske konferencije objavilo je u petak 21. travnja 2023. priopćenje s redovnog 66. plenarnog zasjedanja Sabora HBK, koje donosimo u cijelosti.

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