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Ključna riječ: parlamentarni-izbori

Statement Issued by the Justitia et Pax Commission of the Croatian Conference of Bishops on the Occasion of the Upcoming Parliamentary Elections

A statement issued by the Justitia et Pax Commission of the Croatian Conference of Bishops (CCB) on the occasion of the upcoming regular elections for members of the Croatian Parliament, entitled To Preserve the Dignity of the Political and Constitutional Legal Order of the State, was presented on Wednesday, April 3, 2024, at the headquarters of the Croatian Conference of Bishops in Zagreb.

IZBORI: Obavijest građanima vezana uz korištenje osobnih isprava

Za vrijeme glasovanja, u nedjelju 5. srpnja, građani mogu koristiti osobne iskaznice kojima je rok važenja istekao počevši od dana 11. ožujka 2020. godine, kada je u Republici Hrvatskoj proglašena epidemija, jer je izmjenama Zakona omogućeno njihovo daljnje korištenje, prenosi portal koronavirus.hr - službena stranica Vlade RH za pravodobne i točne informacije o koronavirusu.