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Pope Francis Has Appointed Msgr. Zdenko Križić as the Archbishop of Split-Makarska

On Friday, September 8, 2023, the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Pope Francis appointed Msgr. Zdenko Križić, O.C.D., heretofore Bishop of Gospić-Senj, as the Metropolitan Archbishop of Split-Makarska.

The Archdiocese of Split-Makarska has been led until now by Archbishop Emeritus Želimir Puljić of Zadar, appointed to this office on February 14, 2023 by Pope Francis, who, at the same time appointed Archbishop Dražen Kutleša of Split-Makarska as the Coadjutor Archbishop of Zagreb.

The appointment of Msgr. Križić was simultaneously announced in the Vatican, Zagreb, Split and Gospić.

On the occasion of the announcement of his appointment at the Episcopal Ordinariate in Gospić, Msgr. Križić thanked the Holy Father for entrusting him with the second-largest Croatian archdiocese after Zagreb, “whose history dates back to the first centuries of Christianity.”

Msgr. Križić emphasized that he accepted the appointment, which had surprised him, out of obedience. “I am profoundly aware that being called by Jesus requires his disciple to give and spend his life if he wishes to preserve it, so I will try, with my modest strengths, to give and spend myself in the service of my brothers and sisters in the new archdiocese to which Providence has sent me.”

“I take this opportunity to salute the priests, monks, nuns and faithful of the Archdiocese of Split-Makarska, to whom I come with love and sincerity of heart. I cannot but admit that I am experiencing something similar to what the apostle Paul felt when he had to go to Corinth, where the Lord was sending him. Paul wrote: “I came to you in weakness and fear and much trembling” (1 Cor 2:3), said Msgr. Križić.

He added that he shared these feelings. “First of all, the fear is whether I shall be able to give everything that the Lord and the Church of the Archdiocese of Split-Makarska expect of me. I know my weaknesses but am only comforted by the truth that the Holy Spirit leads the Church, which stands on the solid rock of Christ, and only asks us to listen carefully to his voice and follow him fearlessly. I am deeply aware that in following him, the knees are much more important than the feet.”

“Jesus stated that both the sheep and lambs are his, and that we shepherds should only serve them with sincerity and purity of heart. It remains for me to pray constantly to the Lord and truly be in his heart. Therefore, I sincerely commend myself to the prayers of the faithful of my new diocese and count on their prayers. They have already become part of my daily prayers,” he added.

In conclusion, he thanked all the faithful of the Diocese of Gospić-Senj and continued to commend himself to their prayers.

“I feel that today the apostle Paul is giving me the same imperative call that he once addressed to Bishop Timothy: ‘Have faith and a good conscience (1 Tim 1:19). That is my sincere wish. May His grace help me in this.”

The current Apostolic Administrator of the Archdiocese of Split-Makarska, Msgr. Puljić, shall retain all the rights, powers and duties of said office until the moment when the new Archbishop of Split-Makarska, Msgr. Zdenko Križić, assumes office, which shall occur no later than two months after this announcement of his appointment.

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